Wholesale and Pictures on eBay – How Pictures Promote Your Wholesale Business on eBay

Wholesale and Pictures on eBay – How Pictures Promote Your Wholesale Business on eBay

You just started your online wholesale business and you wanted to see how your ad looks like in eBay. The moment you type in your product in the search bar and click search, a list associated with your product comes up. The next thing you do is you browse the list. More often the first on the list is the most related, significant, and most clicked. But you were shocked that your product is not even in the first or second page of the results. You wonder what happened. I will tell you.

People will look more at ads that contain pictures than an ad with none.

A picture is the only way for a customer to tell if a certain product is what he or she really wants. It is also a marketing strategy in the online wholesale industry. The most successful sellers on eBay have the clearest and most vivid images of their products. Most of the time these pictures are not edited that it adds to the reliability. The biggest upside is that in eBay the pictures are free of charge and can serve as your gallery for the product you are selling. Though having several images cost a fee, it is negligible if your product is valued high. Moreover, items that contain images can be sold for a higher price thanks to the cost of uploading multiple images.

However, having a picture is not a guarantee that your product will sell like cookies. My second point is this-Pictures should highlight the best quality of the product. You do not need to en an expert photographer to do this. You only need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your product. Capitalize on the strengths and highlight them while keeping in mind how to sell the weaknesses as just minor glitches. The key is to project your product as both functional, economical and sleek.

When you take pictures make sure that the product is free of dust, marks and impurities. Also, natural light is the best light to use when taking pictures. Try to make sure of this. Moreover, only use plain-colored backdrop. It is not necessary that you use a white background but make sure the color of the product is enhanced by the backdrop and not the other way around. As much as possible use a camera that have micro setting as an option. This way you can get as close as possible to your product without the risk of producing a blurry image. Most importantly, never use the flash setting for products that reflect light.

Now the most important is be honest with your pictures. Your customers will appreciate you for this gesture. It shows that you are indeed a caring and honest seller. You do this by showing them physical aspects of the products like cracks and scratches. Some may advise you against doing this but believe me your reputation will only get better. You highlight the strengths but never conceal the physical infirmities. This way you avoid the ire of customers who will think you fooled them.

Now that you know how important pictures are for your online business, I hope you do it right.

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